International Orders

Orders from outside the United States

While this web store primarily services orders made from the United States, we will ship to many other countries. If you see your country listed in the shipping options available for a product, then it is available for shipping to that country. Available countries may change at any time without prior notice, due to various factors including COVID-related suspension of service by our shipping carrier, the United States Postal Service, which is unfortunately outside of our control.

International customs fees

Shipments to countries other than the United States may be subject to customs fees. These fees are determined and charged by the customs department of your own country. These fees are fully outside of our control, and we are not responsible for reimbursing them to you. By placing an order from our store as an international customer, you acknowledge that you will accept responsibility for the payment of any customs fees that the order may incur from your local customs authorities.

Delayed international shipments

The United States Postal Service has warned that there may be delayed shipment due to COVID-related issues with regular shipping channels, particularly around the holidays. This applies both to domestic shipping and international shipping, so please be aware that orders may arrive later than usual, particularly around the holidays.

Changes to the Disclaimer Statement

This document may have changes occur to it at any time. It is strictly the responsibility of the user to keep himself or herself up to date with what may be written in this document at any given moment. At any time we have the right to make any changes to this document we deem suitable.

Thank you for your order!